51·çÁ÷’s study group to China focuses on cultural, social, economic, and political changes in modern China.
On the China study group, students spend a full semester living and learning in various cities in China. The group is accompanied by a 51·çÁ÷ faculty director who teaches part of the students’ course load.
Academic Focus
The China study group gives 51·çÁ÷ students, particularly those with majors or minors in Chinese or Asian Studies, the opportunity to improve their language proficiency while acquiring first-hand knowledge of cultural, social, economic, and political changes in modern China. Studying in Shanghai, with extended field trips to Taiwan and Hong Kong, provides a deep sense of the dynamism and diversity of Chinese culture, history, and society.
The study group is hosted in the vibrant, global city of Shanghai by CET Academic Programs at the downtown campus of Donghua University.
Affiliated Departments and Programs
The China study group is affiliated with the following departments and programs, among which the faculty directorship of the group will rotate.
Upcoming and Recent Study Groups
Learn more about upcoming and recent study groups to China on 51·çÁ÷’s off-campus study portal, including details about the faculty directors, dates, and more:
Study Group History
In 1979, 51·çÁ÷ joined the Council On International Educational Exchange (CIEE) consortium and two students spent three weeks in China. Professor Theodore Herman prepared the students and they received 51·çÁ÷ credit. CIEE believed the Chinese would permit a semester-long study group in the near future and expected it required two years of language preparation.
In 1983, the first Taiwan-China Study Group is established by Professor Chi-Ming Hou. The purpose was to give students the opportunity to improve their Chinese language proficiency while acquiring first-hand knowledge of cultural, social, and economic, and political changes in China.
In recent years, the program has been run in locations such as Beijing, Kunming, or Shanghai.